Joe Eustace, garden designer talks Bloom 2023

Joe Eustace talks Bloom 2023

Joe Eustace is the Bord Bia Bloom 2023 youngest garden designer to ever take part in a show garden.  Winner of the Bord Bia Cultivating Talent Award, an initiative that champions emerging talent in Irish horticulture Joe is joined by his dad Ken to chat through his career path to date and how its all coming together for #BordBiaBloom


Together they set up the very successful which offers an accessible and affordable landscape design service. The aim is to open the online service to all budget levels and the opportunity for clients to work with an experienced and dedicated team who will transform your outdoor space into a year-round stunning garden experience.

Joe grew up in a household that was deeply rooted in nature and has been passionate about gardening from a very young age. As soon as he could walk he was handed some gardening tools and set to work in the garden!

His garden, The Next Step, is designed to be as unpredictable as life itself. It features a number of undulating paths and destination points which challenge the user to find the correct step to take next, but the secret is there is no right or wrong way to go. Throughout the landscape, users encounter obstacles that represent the journey of life. At the garden’s heart, a large steel plunge board is nestled in a valley framed by three Betula pendula ‘Spider Alley’ trees. Painted in a bright, metallic red, a colour synonymous with fear and intimidation, the board balances over a glistening pool of water that evokes a feeling of calm. The juxtaposition of the two elements creates a tension in the design and signifies the leaps of faith we must often take in order to progress in life.


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